Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mush brain.

Cats are unusual creatures.  I have always been a dog person.  I'm a cuddler, so the idea of an entity that is devoted to me, adores me, and greets me with such happiness is without compare.  Then we got a cat.

I think you get dogs for constant companionship and adoration.  You get cats to have a return to that feeling you had when the high school quarterback noticed you in the hallway and called you by the wrong name.  Yes, he called you "Laura," but he TALKED TO YOU!  That excitement to be singled out . . . that feeling of never knowing if you will be noticed, but knowing it could happen any moment . . . the drama of possibly being rebuffed, but also possibly being adored . . . that is why we get cats.  

When a cat deigns to sit on your lap, you feel like you've been chosen.   When the cat turns her head and bites her sharp teeth into a fleshy part of your hand, you long for those old days of purring companionship.

The unknown.

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