Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The problems with technology

So, I ran into a problem this evening. It's not a REAL problem, just a fussy, little, silly problem. The kind of problem people roll their eyes at and say "MUST be tough." But, here it is:

After fighting it for a year, I finally gave in and got a Kindle a few months ago. I am a bookworm. A lexiphanic (and using the term lexiphanic is my proof). I love reading. I have loved reading ever since I was a child and just devoured books. Luckily, my aunt worked at Scholastic, so I had all-you-can-eat buffets. I think there were years people didn't hear me speak or see anything but my forehead, bent over the pages.

I still love books - though I don't have as much time to read as I used to. The Kindle allows me more time to read. I bring it with me everywhere. I can use it at work and read the paper - or at least pretend I'm reading the paper. I can take it on trips with me and avoid paying the airline charge because of the 5 lbs of books in my suitcase. But, tonight, I discovered the one place my Kindle cannot go. The bathtub.

No worries, I didn't test this. It just seemed like common knowledge. Something I was tempted to try, but knew that the concern I already felt was the foreshadow of disaster.

Yet, it bothers me. I love to take baths at night with a book to relax. And while, yes, I can still pick up one of the paper versions that we still have all over our house, my Type-A personality fights the idea of starting another book while I'm still reading one on my Kindle. It creates disorder and confusion.

So, the end result of this was that I need to invent some type of Kindle-bathtub-protection kit. Something that allows you to see the page, change the page, but still protects it from the accidental slip of fingers into the steamy water.

Tonight, though, I quieted the Type-A voice screaming in my brain, and settled down with the newest sequel to one of my favorite childhood series, "Bunnicula." Somehow, talking dogs and juice-sucking bunnies managed to keep the order - and I returned to the Kindle after my bath.

You can now all breathe a sigh of relief.

1 comment:

  1. I just love reading these. They really do make me laugh. [This still wouldn't post with a name -- so I am anonymous Mom.]
